Our Primary (organization for the children at our church) had their annual "Primary Program" last Sunday. This is when the children teach us about the gospel of Jesus Christ through their words and song. This was Aidan's first year to participate. He has always been our timid one in public, so I was wondering how this was going to go. He did awesome! He went right up to the microphone and delivered his line which was answering the question "How does your mom or dad help your family. Aidan's line was "My daddy fixes things when they are broken." He came up with the response all on his own, and spoke right into the mic, no fear! We are so proud of him.
Ethan seems so much older than 2. He speaks clearly and understands more than I give him credit for. He keeps me sane by being obedient (unlike our other son who is going through a defiant phase) and is so sweet it is difficult not to give him whatever he wants.
I had to go to our church bookstore which is out near the Oklahoma City Temple in Surrey Hills. Aidan has not ever seen the temple so I took him with me while Ethan had some one-on-one time with his grandma. He really enjoyed seeing the place where his mom and dad serve sometimes and where we were married. He had many questions and loved looking at the gorgeous building with the Angel Moroni statue on top of the steeple.
James has been taking the boys camping when he can find the time.
It's been great father/son time and a nice break for me!
It's been great father/son time and a nice break for me!
Here's a treat.....baby sister's gorgeous smile.